Oct 9, 2024Join us for our first ENBIX partnered event discussing the circular steel economy and identifying ways to specify sustainable steel in your projects. Thank you to our speakers Alex and Sherard from Nucor Vulcraft Canada! Register at:https://albertaecotrust.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEsdemrrTwsHtzLzZdbP_hsMEx63F4O-P0O#/registration
Join us for our first ENBIX partnered event discussing the circular steel economy and identifying ways to specify sustainable steel in your projects. Thank you to our speakers Alex and Sherard from Nucor Vulcraft Canada! Register at:https://albertaecotrust.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEsdemrrTwsHtzLzZdbP_hsMEx63F4O-P0O#/registration